Think outsourcing is something only large businesses do? According to business trend spotter, Exploding Topics, 37% of small businesses currently outsource at least one business process and 52% said they plan on outsourcing at least one business process in the near future.
Outsourcing can assist any business to gain additional skills that are needed on a part-time or temporary basis. It can also lighten the load for your staff by carving out tasks and allowing them to focus on business goals and growth.
Reducing the workload burden of your tech staff is a great use of outsourcing. In addition, you might also be able to cut costs in your IT budget.
Here’s five functions commonly covered by an internal IT team that might be ripe to outsource:
1. Conducting a Business Technology Needs Assessment
Is your business technology helping, or hindering the growth of your company? Outsourcing a review of your company’s business technology could help you identify gaps and opportunities for improvement.
Outsourcing a needs assessment will partner your company with a professional Managed Print Services provider who will create a diagram showing where your devices are currently located and how your staff uses them. This needs assessment will aid in creating a business technology roadmap that can be used to streamline processes and promote better printer fleet health.
2. Just-In-Time Toner Ordering
If you don’t have a MPS partner, the burden of deciding when to order toner will be on your IT staff. Typically the default setting on most printers will alert you when your toner cartridge is down to 10% to 20% of capacity. However, depending on your printer model, type of toner cartridge and how your staff uses the device – it could be days, or it could be months before the toner cartridge is completely empty.
A just-in-time toner replenishment service, administered by your MPS provider, will use a Data Collection Agent (DCA) to collect data from the usage meters of printing devices connected to your network. The DCA will send meter reports along with toner cartridge levels to the main database server, with information displaying on a dashboard. This system uses an algorithm that factors in both toner coverage and print volume on a particular device. When the device is estimated to be empty in approximately 20 days, it is added to a notification report indicating that it is time to ship the next toner cartridge.
3. Printer Troubleshooting
Printer and copier troubleshooting is often a function of the IT department. While these individuals may have the technical skills to diagnose smaller problems, most IT professionals do not look forward to stopping their current projects in order to deal with printer-related issues.
Business technology troubleshooting is commonly more efficient (and less expensive) if outsourced to a MPS provider. Your IT team will thank you for freeing up their time to focus on projects that are a better use of their skills instead of having their time consumed by printer-related issues.
4. Managed IT Services for Project Work
Sometimes an internal IT team needs some extra assistance planning or implementing a new project. A Managed IT Services provider can help fill in the gaps within your team. Whether it’s a network infrastructure refresh or a firewall update, outsourcing project work will save time for your tech staff and allow them to focus on what’s most important to your business.
5. Managed Voice Services
Bringing all of your organization’s preferred communication channels together into a single, unified cloud-based system will provide convenience for your entire staff. In fact, your organization can enjoy the benefits of combining phone, video conferencing, chat, screen sharing and even file management.
Working with a Managed Print Services Provider
Relying on the expertise of a Managed Print Services provider, like Folo Tech, can assist you in streamlining your print fleet. And we’re got the tips and tricks to share with you to make sure your printing and copying projects run smoothly.
Click on the picture down below for more information, we provide 7 days FREE TRIAL for our service and various brand of photocopier machine, to experience our after sales service and machine performance.

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44, Jalan Puncak, Taman Perindustrian Puncak, 81800 Ulu Tiram, Johor
Company Email : enquiry@folotechcopier.com
Contact Number : 019 – 7723768